What is Ikigai and and how can it change my life?

 “Ikigai is what gets you up every morning and keeps you going”

It might be a question you’ve never asked yourself. I, like yourself, never imagined that experimenting and dabbling in all sorts of hobbies, crafts, and careers would lead me to find meaning, and even joy, in my work … or, my Ikigai (ee-key-guy).

Ikigai is a Japanese concept that combines the terms Iki, meaning “alive” or “life,” and gai, meaning “benefit” or “worth.”When combined, these terms mean that which gives your life worth, meaning, or purpose.

It’s refreshing to know that in recent years, as a society, we’ve started to move away from the idea that economic success, wealth and possessions are signs of achievement or the sole items responsible for our happiness.

How to find your Ikigai?

According to Japanese culture, everyone has Ikigai. Detecting our strengths is not always easy. There are four questions that can help us find our path. If you write them down somewhere where you come across them regularly, you can use them as a compass bringing you closer to your purpose.

We cannot expect to find our Ikigai overnight. Ikigai is an understanding of our own unique life mission, and for most, that takes many years — and it often changes. However, the more determined you are to find your Ikigai, the more quickly you will do so.

To find your Ikigai, you must ask yourself:

  • What do I love? (passion)
  • What am I good at? (vocation)
  • What can I be paid for? (profession)
  • What does the world need? (mission)

This Ikigai diagram helps to visualize this concept by showing these four main overlapping qualities:


Ikigai can help you:

  • Design your ideal work lifestyle
  • Create strong social connections at work
  • Create a healthy work-life balance 
  • Pursue your career dreams 
  • Enjoy your work 

When you know your Ikigai and understand its meaning, you’re aligned with the work you’ve longed to do and the work the world needs you to do.

“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive and go do it. Because what the world needs is more people who have come alive.” Howard Thurman

What is Ikigai and and how can it change my life?

“Ikigai is what gets you up every morning and keeps you going”

It might be a question you’ve never asked yourself. I, like yourself, never imagined that experimenting and dabbling in all sorts of hobbies, crafts, and careers would lead me to find meaning, and even joy, in my work … or, my Ikigai (ee-key-guy).

Ikigai (ee-key-guy) is a Japanese concept that combines the terms Iki, meaning “alive” or “life,” and gai, meaning “benefit” or “worth.”When combined, these terms mean that which gives your life worth, meaning, or purpose. Ikigai is similar to the French term “raison d’etre” or “reason for being.”

Have you ever thought:

If I earn this much money, I’ll be happier or if I owned that thing, I’ll be happier?

It’s refreshing to know that in recent years, as a society, we’ve started to move away from the idea that economic success, wealth and possessions are signs of achievement or the sole items responsible for our happiness.

Did you know?

Japan is known for the life practices that lead to the longevity of its people, reaching an average life of 83.7 years.
Previous studies have shown Japanese longevity to be closely related to dietary and health practices.
New studies on Japanese philosophy have shown life fulfillment through Ikigai as a key component to longevity.

It’s important to mention that while traditional Japanese philosophy focuses on finding your bliss, western interpretation has used Ikigai as a method of finding your dream career.

How to find your Ikigai?

According to Japanese culture, everyone has Ikigai. Detecting our strengths is not always easy. There are four questions that can help us find our path. If you write them down somewhere where you come across them regularly, you can use them as a compass bringing you closer to your purpose.

We cannot expect to find our Ikigai overnight. Ikigai is an understanding of our own unique life mission, and for most, that takes many years — and it often changes. However, the more determined you are to find your Ikigai, the more quickly you will do so.

To find your Ikigai, you must ask yourself:

What do I love? (passion)
What am I good at? (vocation)
What can I be paid for? (profession)
What does the world need? (mission)

This Ikigai diagram helps to visualize this concept by showing these four main overlapping qualities:


Whay is ikigai important ?

Japan is ranked second in the world for life expectancy, with women expected to live 88.09 years and men expected to live 81.91 years. While it’s true that diet plays a role, many Japanese people believe ikigai has a lot to do with their longevity and living a happy life.

Apart from living a longer and happier life, knowing your ikigai can help you:

  • Design your ideal work lifestyle
  • Create strong social connections at work
  • Create a healthy work-life balance 
  • Pursue your career dreams 
  • Enjoy your work 

When you know your ikigai and understand its meaning, you’re aligned with the work you’ve longed to do and the work the world needs you to do.

“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive and go do it. Because what the world needs is more people who have come alive.” ~Howard Thurman